Wise and NewLife (Reg No.: 201911215G) is a professional consulting service organization registered and certified by the accounting and business administration of Singapore (ACRA).
We provide comprehensive services for high net worth individuals such as immigration and asset allocation, CRS tax planning, overseas study education planning, high-end medical check-up services, and family offices.
All our efforts are just for you to start a new life journey in Singapore…

Wise and NewLife (Reg No.: 201911215G) is a professional consulting service organization registered and certified by the accounting and business administration of Singapore (ACRA).
We provide comprehensive services for high net worth individuals such as immigration and asset allocation, CRS tax planning, overseas study education planning, high-end medical check-up services, and family offices.
All our efforts are just for you to start a new life journey in Singapore…
© 2019 All Rights Reserved | Wise & New Life Pte Ltd